Effective Methods of Studying for Tests or Exams

Hi students,

I'm sure this week's going to be really quiet in here. You know we're already in the CA week. Urgh.... sounds boring!

Well, CA is serious is business, more so its the third term, which is the crowning term. Soon you'll be stepping up to SS Two by God's grace, meaning higher responsibilities, of course, more notes to write, and tougher exam questions to conquer.  The surprising thing is that some of you don't even think you are up to the task. There's no time you ever feel prepared, right? Its always as if the notes are too much and you haven't read one bit. Even on assembly ground on Monday, you'll still notice some students reading some funny looking notes!
Okay, in this post, I'm going to share some tips for studying

1.Consider your learning style. You should realize that no one studies the same way. Some read at once and are able to recall immediately and many more days to come; some read at once and forget the next minute. Some read the same page or chapter more than once before they can recall, but once they do, they hardly ever forget. So which category are you? If you're in the last category, you should know better than to be playing around, especially with those who don't need to read more than once. You should respect the fact that you will need more time for your study than others. You get better as you practice more and after some time, you start remembering what you have read more frequently.

2. Decide where to study, definitely not where your younger siblings who are busy watching cartoon are screaming the ceiling off or where Daddy who doesn't have a test to write is watching soccer and getting hectic over the goals scored. Choose a quiet place, but not too quiet that you might fall asleep without anyone knowing! Stay off phones,games and all similarities. You surely mustn't have an ear-piece on while studying. Don't study on your bed, use a desk and chair.

3. Understand that studying is different from assignments. In assignments some of you guys are so silly, copying answers from your friends and submitting it for marking. You honestly need to quit that attitude. It doesn't make you better in that subject. You must also know that in studying, you cannot copy someone else's pattern of study. Summarize your notes by jotting down while studying, test yourself from questions you've written down or from past questions and have other people ask you questions as well. This actually helps a lot. You can also engage in repetitive reading. You are more likely to remember something you have read several times than that which you have read just once.

4. Ensure everything you need is within reach. If you're working on and practicing mathematics for instance, you don't need to stand up one minute to pick the compass on the dining table and stand up the next minute to pick your four-figure table in your sibling's room. make sure everything is with you while you study

5. Allocate time to study and make a routine: Always dedicate a specific time to study and do not be tempted to change that time. Stick to it and make it a routine. It may be immediately after your dinner or just before you decide to sleep. Some even wake up in the middle of the night to study! Great! Whichever time suits you best, just ensure you stick with it. Don't procrastinate. Reading at the last minute is awful. Choose a specific time and don't postpone it for something else. It pays in the end. And finally........

6. Take short breaks from study. And i mean, really short breaks. Some student's short breaks are far longer that the time of study! Don't be like that. Let your short breaks be meaningful e.g.taking a short nap or an exercise, going for a walk, drink or snack, discussing with a friend in a study group and other activities relating to your school work. Your breaks should be a time of relaxation and not to engage in stressful activities like argument, playing tasking games, quarreling etc.

Try as much as possible to be yourself, and do not plan to rely on others or cheat during your tests. Also, remember that education is not about passing exams alone, but its about learning and gaining knowledge. The knowledge you are imparted with remains for life if you are willing to learn. and not just learn for exams sake. 

Wishing you the very best in your continuous assessment test.
