Greater Heights

Hello Students,

I hope you like the new interface on our blogsite. Its newly packaged for the new session and fully loaded as well with all you need for a unique learning experience.
How was your vacation? I hope it was all productive and a great time to rest and relax your mind. I assume you were able to learn something new, such as a new skill or vocation. This will go a long way to help you in future.
It should also have been a time to prepare for the next step in your academics. How prepared are  you for that? Quite a lot of you were promoted and you're so confident in yourself now right?

Hmm Congratulations on your next step to a higher class! Did I hear you say "Thank You Ma"? Well, you're welcome. But do you realize this comes with a greater challenge? I'm not going to rain on your parade here, but I'm just going to remind you of what you already know and which perhaps you are trying to avoid thinking about. 

Yes, the next class is a class in which you'll be taught more hard core topics in your various subjects. It will be a class for tougher questions in tests and exams and perhaps it will be a class where you are required to write more notes. I know you are all up to the task and that shouldn't be a problem.  The only issue here is that you shouldn't start thinking you have arrived at the citadel of learning, having scaled through the previous class. 

It is not a time to relax and stop learning. It is also not a time to start being stubborn, refusing to follow your teachers' instructions This is the time you should be more attentive in class and ask more questions rather than chatting endlessly with your friend during lessons! You know better than to be doing that. 

For those in Senior Secondary Two, wow!, you're almost there, but not quite there. Now you'll be given higher responsibilities to prepare you for external exams. Make sure you make the best use of the time you have to really study hard. Your teachers, parents, siblings, everyone is waiting on you to make them proud. Are you going to let them down because of some silly distractions? Or you're going to prove to them that with God on your side, the sky is not even the limit?
Never relent until you reach your destination, which is the top. Strive to break the existing outstanding records in your schools and watch how you will be celebrated. 

Don't joke with your prayer life as well. Use this brand new session to improve on your relationship with God. Do away with sinful habits and friends that can corrupt your glorious destiny. Remember that without God, there is little you can do.
Your strength is not enough to carry the weight of your challenges. You need to rely more on God everyday. I see God moving you forward by His grace.

As usual, check the different sections for the different study topics for each week, watch any videos available for better understanding. Online quiz this term promises to be very fascinating and ensure you check the quiz section from time to time and attempt the quiz. Students in senior secondary two should start intense study for the very first topic in the term. The lessons and the notes are already posted for Agricultural Science. 

UPDATE FOR FISHERY STUDENTS: My dearest, greatest , intelligent, wonderful and glorious Fishery students. I'm so sorry there's going to be an adjustment on our blogsite with regards to fishery topics and learning materials this session. We will not be able to continue with our lessons. It was due to some changes in my assignment this session. We love you and still regard you as a part of us, so continue to visit the blogsite even if the learning content is not relevant to your field of study and you will gain quite a lot. Keep on studying hard and make the best use of every opportunity you have. May you excel in your chosen career. Amen 

The rest of the students studying agricultural science will have the opportunity to revisit the topics for Senior Secondary One again as we will be having a separate section for that now.
Wishing you the very best in your academics this term. May the Lord give you the grace to succeed and excel in every of your endeavors. Amen


  1. Tomisin, i saw your comment, how has been the holiday? Missed you too!


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